Why some pastors and Alfas cajole people with different strategy to get their money ?

 It is a good thing to worship God and pray to the Almighty God  wholeheartedly.  My learning  and experience in theology made me understand that our major purpose on Earth is to worship God, and follow his commandments  which are meant for us as practical exercise to test our obedience and faith in existence of the Almighty God, and our relationship with him.  Who is Almighty God ? Almighty God is a supreme being, believing religiously that created the universe and the creatures. No body knows his real name or his beginning. 

However, because of fear and faith people have for this unseen creature, they began to give him different titles and names based on their languages and understanding. Infact,In Western part of Nigeria, occupied by Yoruba ethnic group, some folks or traditional worshipers  had claimed that out of fear to talk to Almighty God directly , they chose  gods such as Obatala, Orunmila, Ifa, Osun , Sango etc, known as their ascestors,    as channels to communicate with unseen Supreme being(Eledumare) . However, the holy Bible of Christian has revealed in some of its chapters and verses ,i.e Book of psalm etc, that the  original name of this unseen creature is Jehovah, while the Holy Quran of Islam also revealed that His name  is Allah. 

However different people with different tongues give names to this Almighty being to invoke his spirit believing to be holy Spirit. The major purposes of worshipping and praying to this Almighty God include : Divine help, Divine security , Divine blessings, Divine power etc. 

Why religion is very important to mankind ? Religion is meant to be a platform to connect minds of human beings to the supreme God to please him , so that human beings can enjoy his promised Kingdom , heaven or Alujanna as it is called in Islam. Therefore, the religion is aimed to be an effective tool for peace keeping in the society, Promoting friendliness, Neighborhood,Service to humanity and giving human beings liberty. But why this religion is now adding to the agony, suffering and problems of people in the society nowadays, especially in Nigeria ?  ,this is a thought provoking and philosophical question and  no one trying to provide answer to it for many years...

What do you think about the image below ?: 


According to a philosopher Aristotle" Church is a place where people meet God "  Rehaird Bonke said in one of his publications titled " How to be saved " that in church, members are trees planted and nurtured with words of wisdom in the Holy Bible, to prepare them for heavenly kingdom. But it  is a pity that people now turn Religion to business, using different get rich quick scheme to make sure that they run the business profitably. Churches , mosques and even shrines for folks or traditional worshipers are built as business centers for profit orientation. 

I know you will be surprised that some clergymen are borrowing money from micro finance banks such as LAPO etc to build church and mosques and run the business profitably. In 2020 it was a shock to everyone, to hear that Government established a law to ensure that churches and mosques are paying returns to government....what do you think we can call that ?  Tax , of course....since it is obvious that they are making money from the venture like other business ... Infact , because of the profit in this vocation , the pastors are attacking and fighting each other every day. Every day some pastors leave their denominations to establish their own business centers in order to make profit like their principal. 

There are some churches and mosques that used their Church members as labourers when building churches or mosques and Schools, promising them that the school is meant to raise their children academically in Godly way, but it's a pity for these members that , because they can not afford payment of school fee for their children, in the school built by the church or mosques...their children never have opportunity to attend the school. Recently , there is a News circulating the social media, that a popular church owner sacked ssome pastors that had been working for the church at different branches for many years and collecting salary. Why ? , Simply because they are not  fruitful and meeting goal of the church owner, and they are collecting salary for the service they render to the Church. Why they are not fruitful ? , Is it in   evangelism, revival or spreading of the gospel of Christ ?  Or in term of making money for their employer ? What is the demand of the denomination ?

Do you think the church is serving humanity, especially in Nigeria ?

Share your opinions and comments below.......

© By Prince Ademitunbiyi  12/8/2021


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